Monday, February 8, 2010

West African Good-byes

I've lived in West Africa on an expat compound for almost four years. Today we told our staff that we are leaving on an assignment back to the states. It was the hardest part of our leaving. We feel responsible for them and sad to know it is likely that we will not see them ever again. My husband is so kind and came from work so that we could tell them that we were packing up on this trip and leaving within the month. We asked them how they felt and if they wanted to say anything and our driver said, "There is nothing we can do. It is painful and we will miss you horribly, but this is the challenge of life."

So, my greatest regret is not leaving something of value here. Yes, our staff feels our genuine care and we have been generous with them, but there is more that I have wanted to do and leave behind. I've had this vision of creating a library and book exchange of some sort, but I have not carried this vision to fruition. Perhaps just an action every day toward manifesting this might be something to do, something small that can be done.

Life is full of beginnings and endings and hopefully, some joy and authentic connections along the way.

Blessings to my Nigerian and West African friends. I will carry you in my heart forever.

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